How To Save Big Money by House Sitting

Savings AccountEverything that you have been lead to believe about saving money to retire and live well is a myth. The old paradigm is dead and gone. Retirement advisors tell you to buy the biggest house you can buy, invest everything you can, set a budget to live on the least possible expenses. All this so that when you are old and burnt up from working yourself to death, you can sit in a rocking chair and relax.

True wealth is no longer the dream of a couple of million in the bank. True wealth comes from the experiences you enjoy through your life.

We are living a life of being without a home, traveling the world and staying in very nice houses that belong to others.

Right now we are living in a 2 bedroom house on a lake in Costa Rica. There is no way possible we could have afforded to live in a house like this with a similar location in the US. In Bellevue Washington a 2 Bedroom lakeview condo would run at least $3,000 a month. Our current accommodations cost us nothing but some of our time.

We take loving care of the pets and watch over the property when the homeowners are away. Since both of us have always been animal people, it is not work at all, but rather a very enjoyable way to live. We are full time house sitters.

Today we ran across an article at Business Insider that shows how one couple saves over $100K a year by house sitting. Although this is not direct income, it shows there is a fantastic alternative to the treadmill of living life in the US.

How To Cut Your Spending So You Can Retire Early

Cutting your spending is one reason to move oversees for retirement. However you want to cut your spending ahead of time to maximize the amount of money you can take with you when you walk out the door on your new adventure.

This article and video from Money has some very good hints on how to cut your spending as painlessly as possible. Much of what we did ahead of time follows this exact pattern. In our case we started with ditching satellite TV. Even though we thought we would miss it greatly, it turned out we enjoyed the alternatives.

How to Cut Your Spending So You Can Retire Early