We are Kent and Stacey, a couple from the United States that are planning our great escape from the rat race completely. At the time of starting this blog we are living at 7,000 feet in the mountains. Due to medical conditions for both of us, we have come to realize that we need to move to a warmer climate, without the wild swings in weather conditions or deep cold of winter.
However we found in looking at our situation that we are not unlike many others in that we are not independently wealthy. We need to figure out how we can pull off retiring and moving somewhere based on our situation and preferably before we hit the Social Security Retirement age. Hence the path to retire as expats.
We are creating this blog to document our journey to creating a plan and executing it to retire early without painfully struggling to survive. We will document our research, ideas, trips to explore and any helpful resources we find along the way.
We have found that there are many resources out there that will steer you in one of 2 basic directions. First is the traditional retirement planning information that has almost no basis in reality any more due to the north american economy. The other are the pay me a bunch of money types that want to set you up with something like an Internet Marketing business, selling Internet Marketing Businesses to other people. Neither is sustainable in our opinion. Our goal is to find what really is pertinent to us and share it with others that may want to do as we are doing.
Remember, if you are considering making such a move, these are only our experiences. This doesn’t work for everybody. Do your own homework and don’t take my word for anything.
We thank you for reading our blog and invite you to leave feedback and comments if you have any.